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If you're a student or professional, we make your life easier by bringing the latest innovations, ideas, and resources into one place. No more wasting time searching through multiple sources – you can tailor what you see to your needs.

Join the RSPSoc community to connect with local peers, mentors, and collaborators. We support each other through networking, mentoring and working together on projects.

Save time and money with free access to events, podcasts, thematic research groups and publications. Plus, enjoy discounts on training and other events.

We also offer a range of awards, open to all – whether you're in academia, government, or industry. Win or not, your ideas will be shared and recognised. Find out more about our Grants and Awards

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What is the cost of Membership?

For Student and newly qualified professionals (up to 3 years) our annual membership fee is £72.00 per annum or £6 per month

For qualified experienced professionals our annual membership fee is £108.00 per annum or £9.00 per month

For Fellows of RSPSoc the annual membership fee is £144.00 per annum or £12 per month

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